by Madelene de Borja

With the technology that we have, information today has been easily accessible at a click of a fingertip, showered at different forms of dissemination. As a key ingredient in decision making from our simple daily lives to national policy making, the significance of right and factual information affects us all.
Last May 4, 2017, the FEU Communication Society, in partnership with Kaya Natin! Movement for Good Governance and Ethical Leadership, and in collaboration with AIESEC FEU and FEU Central Student Organization, held WHAT THE FACT: KAYA NATINg Magpahayag!
The program was held with the aim of promoting media literacy and responsibility in order to create a social media literate community.
As misinformation and fake news become prevalent in our time when knowledge is power, it is our society that’s at stake and it is our duty to promote and uphold literacy as it is our responsibility to preserve and protect our rights to information.